Kefir Cheese Labne ( karoun)

Ingredients: Cultured Pasteurized Grade A Milk and Cream ,Skim Milk, Whey Protein Concentrate, Salt and Pectin. Allergen: Contains Milk. Made with fresh Real California Milk, Karoun Mediterranean style Labne is delicious and healthier alternative to regular cream cheese and sour cream.
SKU: 796252100031

Item in Case :12

Item weight:16 oz ( 1 lb) 453g 


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Farmer Cheese

For your children or anyone else who loves a yummy, fruity treat! – Fresh Made also offers Happy Kids Farmer Cheese. It’s made with the same ingredients as our famous Farmer Cheese, but with the added flavor of strawberry, cranberry, peach or cherry preserves. These delicious flavored cheeses also come in lowfat and nonfat varieties. Made with real Amish farm milk, both kids and parents alike will love the 4 fantastic flavors of Happy Kids Farmer Cheese.